Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Are You Free on Saturday!!!

Okay if you have the morning free then you need to get on your bike or in the car and get on down to Tomorrows Memories for the Biggest Morning Tea.

Yep thats right the gorgeous ladies at Tomorrows Memories are helping to raise money for the Cancer Council by hosting the Biggest Morning Tea on Saturday 22 May at 11am, Cost $10 all monies raised goes directly to the Cancer Council.

Now I'm sure you've all been touched in some way when it comes to this horrible disease so why not join in with these gorgeous ladies and there staff to help raise some funds.

Okay I'm hearing ya, its till around 12.30 and yes there's morning tea along with a fantastic Auction of some pretty cool goodies I hear.

So lets not forget to give the shop a ring and book yourselves in or come on down on the day and pay then or before to make sure you get a spot! I know you'll all have a ball!

Hope to see you there

PS. Happy Birthday to my lovely friend Becks little boy Austin 1st Birthday on Sunday 16 May I hope he had the time of his life xx


Tracey Holdyk said...

who wouldn't want to miss a yummy morning tea while raising some much needed money.
love me :-)

suzitee said...

I'm hearing you :) Hoping to make it down for morning tea on Saturday!